
Visit a Provider Online


We are proud to announce we are now offering online medical services to our patients. We have two dedicated Certified Family Practice Nurse Practitioners. Patients can have a real-time, live video appointment with added convenience from their home or workplace.

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How it works

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Call our office 432-582-2882 and select option 2 to schedule an online visit with a provider.

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Our office will file insurance, online visits cost $80 & are payable at the time of scheduling your appointment.

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Depending what device you will be using for video (phone, tablet, or computer) let the office know whether you would prefer an invitation via text or email.

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Providers will do their best to meet the scheduled appointment time. When the provider is ready, they will send a link via text or email inviting you to their virtual waiting room. We use a secure website called “DoxyMe” for video conferencing.

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Provider will conduct a real time visit with patient, similar to face time. Provider will evaluate and treat your medical concerns.


When to use telemedicine:

Telemedicine can be used for a wide variety of health services. Here’s a list of common conditions a primary care provider may treat via telemedicine

Routine followup visits for chronic conditions

Diabetes management, routine medication review

Mild cases of cold, flu, cough, sore throat, sinus infections, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, vomiting, diarrhea other respiratory infections, etc. (especially if you are otherwise healthy)

Mild cases of back pain, sprains, strains or bruising, sports injuries 

Rashes, insect bites, conjunctivitis, skin inflammations, arthritic pain

Bladder infections, bacterial skin infection, UTIs, Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Evaluations

Medical goal setting or advanced care planning.

Visits not appropriate for telemedicine:

The following types of visits typically require a physical exam, which must be done in person.

Comprehensive health assessments

Complex or severe injuries

Severe infections

Other complex or severe medical issues that require an in-person evaluation

Your provider will always be the one to determine if your specific medical concern is appropriate for telemedicine.


Call today 432-582-2882 and select option 2 to schedule an online visit with a provider!


Araceli Romero, NP-C



Nola Damon, NP-C




Frequently Asked Questions

Can nurse practitioners prescribe prescriptions? 

Yes, once the providers evaluates patient and determines if prescriptions would be beneficial they are able to send them electronically to Texas Pharmacies.  

Is Telemedicine reimbursed by Insurance company?

Reimbursement varies depending on patient’s insurance plan. Many private and government insurance companies are expanding telemedicine coverage. Patients will need to check with their insurance companies regarding their specific coverage benefits. We continue to advocate for telemedicine benefit coverage.

What if my condition requires lab work?  

Your doctor will order labs electronically with CPL lab facility. You will go to the nearest CPL lab to have your blood drawn. Lab results are sent electronically to our office. This process takes a few days, the provider will review the results and contact patient to discuss.

Is it possible to receive a doctor’s note?

Yes, Providers can send an electronic form to patient for missed work days or school excuses.

 Is telemedicine visit HIPAA Compliant?

Yes, your visit is HIPAA compliant and our electronic medical records are held in a private electronic Health records system.